17 quotes to put a band-aid on your broken heart


Hádam každá z nás si už prešla zlomeným srdcom, a každá máme svoj vlastný spôsob, ako sa so všetkým vyrovnať a dostať sa cez to. Niekomu pomáha začať behávať, posilovať, zlepšiť si jedálniček a vynoviť si šatník, urobiť zo seba tú najlepšiu možnú verziu samej seba. Iní si zas nakúpia jedlo na týždeň a všetko spráskajú v priebehu dvoch dní, pozerajúc pritom smutné filmy o láske a rozchodoch. Ja som človek, čo sa vtedy rád stráca v príbehoch iných - či už sú to piesne, seriály, filmy, alebo knihy - a raz za čas natrafím na nejaký výrok, ktorý mi s ráznosťou pripomenie tú moju realitu, pretože je to tak veľmi trefné a aplikovateľné na moju situáciu. A popravde, to mi zakaždým dá na srdce takú malú náplasť, už len ten fakt, že nie som jediná, kto to tak cíti (aj keď sú tie postavy fiktívne ale okej, pšt, všetko svojím spôsobom vychádza zo skutočnosti). Čo vlastne chcem povedať je to, že mi na srdca bôľ pomáhajú rôzne výroky, a už mám aj na Twitteri nejaké účty, ktoré stalkujem zakaždým, keď sa nájdem v tej nálade. Nuž a tak som dala dokopy niekoľko citácií, ktoré podľa mňa majú potenciál, keďže pre mňa mali niekedy v živote veľký význam. (Zdrojom tých, kde nie je napísaný autor, je jeden zo spomínaných Twitter účtov, @PoemsPorn.) 

If you can love the wrong one so much, just imagine how much you can love the right one.
I wonder how many people don't get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to be with.
It's funny how we try to fill holes with the same people who made them.
Still, being able to feel pain was good, he thought. It's when you can't even feel pain anymore that you're in real trouble.
Being happy is a very personal thing—and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.One of the hardest decisions you’ll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder.
Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back... then that love had to be real. It hurt too much to be anything else.
And what still shocks me, is how often the thing that hurts you, looks like the thing that helps you.
"Was it hard?" I ask.
"Letting go? Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn't real."
But I don't feel sad about it. Because Mother is dead. And because Mr. Shears isn't around anymore. So I would be feeling sad about something that isn't real and doesn't exist. And that would be stupid.
- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon
I just, I always thought he'd come crawling back, and I'd get to tell him, "go to hell." He couldn't even give me that.
- Community, Shirley Bennett
We're just in love with the idea of being loved. And if we can teach a guy like him to do it, we'll never be unloved. So we keep running the same scenario over and over, hoping for a different result.
- Community, Annie Edison
 I am single, but I'm not really up for not being single. I've gone through my whole life from one relationship to the other, and I kind of have relied on that for happiness. I want to be able to have proper happiness and not rely on other people for that.
- Ed Sheeran
We gotta stop defining our self-worth by whether or not we are in a relationship.
- The Big Bang Theory, Rajesh Koothrappali
If one person doesn't want the relationship, then it's simply not a fit. No sense trying to figure out why we think they don't want it. No sense blaming it on their commitment issues. No sense waiting around for them to realize they wanted it after all. And if they don't want it, then we don't want it, because we don't want to be with someone who is not there for it fully. That's the thing about a love relationship - it's an agreement that has to be signed by both souls. If one doesn't sign, then nothing has been lost. If it's not a fit for them, it's not a fit for us either.
- Love It Foward, Jeff Brown
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You ruin your life by choosing the wrong person. What is it with our need to fast-track relationships? Why are we so enamored with the idea of first becoming somebody’s rather than somebodies? Trust me when I say that a love bred out of convenience, a love that blossoms from the need to sleep beside someone, a love that caters to our need for attention rather than passion, is a love that will not inspire you at 6am when you roll over and embrace it. Strive to discover foundational love, the kind of relationship that motivates you to be a better man or woman, the kind of intimacy that is rare rather than right there. “But I don’t want to be alone,” we often exclaim. Be alone. Eat alone, take yourself on dates, sleep alone. In the midst of this you will learn about yourself. You will grow, you will figure out what inspires you, you will curate your own dreams, your own beliefs, your own stunning clarity, and when you do meet the person who makes your cells dance, you will be sure of it, because you are sure of yourself. Wait for it. Please, I urge you to wait for it, to fight for it, to make an effort for it if you have already found it, because it is the most beautiful thing your heart will experience.

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