10 things i wish i would fully realise


1. it's okay to be new to things, to be unsure of what you're doing. even the people that seem confident at what they're doing were new to this once.

2. don't wish to be anybody else than you. nobody is perfect. you're you, and that's the best thing you can be.

3. you're important. you matter. stop trying to make them like you. if they don't like you for who you are, they're not worth it.

4. it's okay to give people another chance. it's not okay to keep giving them one chance after another, hoping this time they won't break you heart.

5. learn when it's time to stop trying. sometimes it's more than okay to give up. it's not okay to keep giving people opportunities to walk all over you.

6. actions matter more than words. doesn't matter what kind of person they are. actions are always what matters most.

7. they don't have to talk to you everyday to prove they like you. however, if they never reach out, they don't care. stop convincing yourself otherwise.

8. if they wrecked you, don't let them back into your life. don't initiate things in hopes they changed. if they had changed, they would have been the one trying.

9. listen to your best friend. they are looking out for you.

10. there's probably a reason it didn't work out. you'll fall for somebody else. hopefully not for such a prick this time. stop thinking about him.

i know now you're a dickhead and i wish my throat wouldn't close up at the thought of you

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