Creative Writing: Growing Up, A Construction Manual
16:59Can you manage to blow out all the candles? Slow down now, you must be careful about your weight. You must sort out your closet, get rid of the old clothes. You must dress better. You must figure your life out. You must choose a university. This is how you choose the right one.
You must take good care of yourself. You must call your
parents at least twice a week. You must start cooking now. You
must eat more. This is how you wash your clothes. Don't forget to call your parents. You must study harder. You must have a lot of sources. You must
change your way of thinking. You must stop relying on your sources. This is how
to be professional.
You must find a good man that will love you and make you laugh. You must be honest with him. You must remain mysterious. You must let him breathe. You must look for ways to stop hurting. You must say sorry. You must forgive. This is how you learn to let go.
Did you call your parents?
You must smile more often. You must drink less. This is how you slow-dance. You must kiss him tonight because he treated you so nicely, apparently. You must think about the consequences. Don't tell anyone. Especially not your dad. You
must be more careful next time. This is how you love yourself.
You must be more open. You must let people know who you are. You must share your stories. You must keep some secrets. You must speak up. You must let people help you. This is how you hold your head up high.
This is how you stop living in the past. This is how you prepare for the future. This is how you live in the moment. This is how you move on. This is how you look for happiness in little things. This is how you respect yourself. This is how you stop relying on your parents.
This is how you grow up.
Hneď takto na začiatok sa ospravedlňujem, v akom jazyku bude tento komentár, lebo on one side sa mi nechce písať všetko v angličtine, lebo je síce len pol desiatej, ale môj mozog je mega vyšťavený z dejepisu a z prichádzajúcich matúr.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťNie som ešte na univerzite (ale bude to sooner ako by som chcela), no damn, viem sa stotožniť s úplne every single sentence a neviem, či je to dobré alebo zlé, ale keď som si to tak prvýkrát čítala, tak som sa musela pousmiať, že wow, we have so much in common, but on the other side... nie je to trochu strašidelné? Všetky tie príkazy a rozkazy a ako sa ľudia snažia navigovať ťa životom?
Anyway... beautiful. Hneď by som takú nemčinu s radosťou menila na tvoje non-fiction writing či ako nazývate ten predmet ♡
ja si velmi rada precitam aj slovenske komentare nemusis sa ospravedlnovat :D :D
Odstrániťboze som si ani neuvedomila ze ty zachvilu maturujes! Omg!! to kedy si takto vyrastla!
predmet je creative writing, a teraz na nom rozoberame creative non-fiction, co je vacsia sranda ako som ocakavala :D podla mna by si ten predmet uplne najviac milovala :) napriklad toto konkretne vyplynulo z cvicenia, v ktorom nam tutorka prikazala napisat 3 veci, ktore si o nas myslia druhi, a tri veci, ktore my sami o sebe vieme, ze su pravdive. a to podla mna znie ako nieco v com by sa Bee vyzivala ;D
Toto je úplne krásne :D Smekám Mitch :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťA ten predmet musí byť teda mega super :) Súhlasím ale s bebs, že tie príkazy sú mierne strašidelné :D
ďakujeeem :) ten predmet veruže bol megasuper! :D